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Editing completed

It's been a bit of a slog, with everything else I'm trying to do at the moment, but the finished edit of Tiberius Crowned is complete!

The book rounds off The Emperor Initiative series and sees Daniel face his greatest threat yet...

Here's the book blurb, as a taster:

Genetically engineered Daniel Henstock – codenamed Tiberius – hoped that with Gregory Dryden dead the Emperor Initiative would be leaderless, its interest in him forgotten. He was wrong, and only two months after the dramatic events in Staten Island they decide to strike.

They kidnap Eleanor and tell her their truth about her father: that he tortured Daniel, and that the boy who claimed to be in love with her killed him because of it. Stung by the bitterness of betrayal she agrees to be the instrument of his downfall.

Daniel is determined to finally bring the Emperor Initiative to an end but with his talents diminishing he acknowledges it’s a task he can’t accomplish alone. Miles Brennan and William Cross have to step out of the shadows to make good on their promises of help but in doing so they create powerful enemies.

Daniel travels to the Initiative’s overseas base but finds that Eleanor is trained and ready for him. Rescuing her and destroying the Initiative may not be as easy as he first thought …

I'm in the process of formatting it for Kindle, Smashwords etc and arranging the cover art for ebook and print formats.

I've also been working on a freebie short story that details Daniel's origins and the real events leadng up to the first explosion at the PathGen labs... I hope to have some concrete news in a few weeks' time so watch this space for details.

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