Andrew Goodman
Author of young adult action / adventures.

The Emperor Initiative series is complete!
The final instalment of the three-part series is here! Tiberius Crowned sees the conclusion of Daniel's struggle against the Emperor Initiative ... and it's not going to be a smooth ride!
Genetically engineered Daniel Henstock – codenamed Tiberius – hoped that with Gregory Dryden dead the Emperor Initiative would be leaderless, its interest in him forgotten. He was wrong, and only two months after the dramatic events in Staten Island they decide to strike.
They kidnap Eleanor and tell her their truth about her father: that he tortured Daniel, and that the boy who claimed to be in love with her killed him because of it. Stung by the bitterness of betrayal she agrees to be the instrument of his downfall.
Daniel is determined to finally bring the Emperor Initiative to an end but with his talents diminishing he acknowledges it’s a task he can’t accomplish alone. Miles Brennan and William Cross have to step out of the shadows to make good on their promises of help but in doing so they create powerful enemies.
Daniel travels to the Initiative’s overseas base but finds that Eleanor is trained and ready for him. Rescuing her and destroying the Initiative may not be as easy as he first thought …

Tiberius Found ...
for free!
It's been a long time coming but the ebook version of Tiberius Found - part one of The Emperor Initiative - is now FREE!!! Follow the links below to find it on a variety of markets, suitable to your eReader system.
And - hopefully - it will stay free for the foreseeable future.
So, if you've been tempted to see how Daniel's story starts then grab a copy now with no risk. I'm hoping that you'll like it and enjoy reading it. And if you do then please leave a review and rating on Amazon to let others know what they're missing out on!!!
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Andrew Goodman brings to life a fast paced, exciting story that leaves the reader waiting not so patiently for the sequel.
Stitchsays review site
Brilliantly written, interesting characters and twists throughout. It was addictive reading as the plot was slowly revealed. Can't wait for the sequel!
Amazon reviewer, Gemma Baker
I sat up late reading into the night watching the boy's history unravel and finding that I too was trusting no one he met.
Amazon reviewer, Lexx
Tiberius Found was wonderfully well written and highly suspensful! ... I really, really liked this book.
(Emily) Siiting with a Book review site
The book was really fast paced, suspensful and overall very enjoyable to read.
Bookworm8921 review site
I have been really looking forward to reading this (Tiberius Bound) and finally find out a bit more about 'that suit'. Having so enjoyed the first book in the series, you always wonder whether a second will be able to continue the standard. Thankfully I can honestly say it does. With plenth of anticipation and action, the story develops further, introducing great new characters as well as developing the relationships from Tiberius Found. Thoroughly recommended ... bring on the final instalment!
Amazon reviewer, jessika_world
I was told by a friend at college to get this book (Oliver Drummond and The Four Horsemen). I loved it, could not put it down. Please tell me you are going to write more stories about Oliver and the RISE gang?
Elle Wallace (16), Banbury
One of the most innovative plot lines I have read (Tiberius Found). Spanning both Britain and USA the writer leaves (us) wanting more.
Amazon reviewer